Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The World Has Come To An End....... They're Allowing Me To Choose What A Old Building Becomes.

Well, all I can say is that I can't believe that they have given me an opportunity that they might soon regret giving me. Just kidding. Today, I become a city planner and I will reuse some of Greensboro's history to make some new buildings that will benefit the city. Also, you will be my voters, my wonderful followers. If you want (and I love having your opinions), give me a yes or a no for each building you believe is possible and reasonable or not. I'll tally the votes and post them on my next blog. It's a little twist to the blog, eh? Well, here goes!

First, we have this warehouse right in the heart of the back of our college neighborhood. This, I believe, was on another stretch of Walker Ave. and it was near Lee St. Now, this building, as you can see, is pretty big and it is in an area near the back roads that connect off of Lee St. As your city planner, I propose that we change this old warehouse into a top of the line police station. This area is just out of the reach of the police station on Tate St. Also, that station is used mainly for UNCG, so the city is left out a little by this. From my observations, there was not a police station in this area for a few miles. This building is just in the right location where it could take care of the back roads and Lee St. itself. Also, it is a big facility. This big facility could hold an office, jail cells, a K-9 unit, and many other theories. I mean, the sky is the limit with this building. Therefore, we should turn this building into a police station.

My next proposal is for this building. This building is a large building that is 2-stories and can hold a ton of people. Also, it is right beside a big and new apartment complex that will hold many college students. Therefore, my next proposal is that this building should be changed into a Recreation Center for the apartment complex and the community that consists of Lee. St and the streets that surround it. My first reason is that many college students live in the apartment complex right by this building. They have heard of the "Freshman 15" and the weight gain from college. UNCG's recreation center and Greensboro College's recreation center are too far away for these students, so they will not go to those centers. With one center here. they just have to go across the street to work out and exercise instead of walking across town in a scary environment or driving and wasting gas. Also, I recommend that UNCG and Greensboro College co-sponsor the center. With this, UNCG and Greensboro College will gain more money from the center and possibly make this building a education area for those out of reach of their recreation centers. It's educational and a safe way to work out and be the best students can be.

My final proposal is for this building. It is near the same apartment complex as the building in my last proposal. It's a smaller building, but it can still be very useful. Therefore, my final proposal is that this building be changed into a post office for the people in this area. With a post office here for the people, once again, distance will never be a problem for anyone who walks in this area. Safety will not be an issue. They could walk to this building with no worries about safety or gas. Also, it is in a central location where anyone can use it. Students who live here can use this instead of going to a post office far away or going to UNCG's post office or Greensboro College's post office. Along with this, it opens up jobs for the people of this area, like mailmen (or women), postal workers, box boys, and much more. Therefore, it is a safe and easy way to make jobs for the people of this area.

Well, there you have it. My proposals are here for your approval. You know the rules. Comment back with a yes or no to signify your belief in these ideas. The choice is yours, ladies and gentlemen. The future of Greensboro itself is in your hands. What will you do?

P.S. Leave feedback. What do I need to work on? Is it well done? Speak now, or forever hold your peace. Thanks everyone!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

College Hill (Clay style)

Well, as you can tell from my blog title this time, I will be comparing the College Hill neighborhood to Clay descriptions like beats and strips. Hopefully, my Kodak Share Program is working today. We'll see. Now, College Hill has had a great history with its ilustrious buildings and its strips and other spots of interest. Now, let's begin, shall we?

We'll start with the beat of College Hill. College Hill has many popular streets. Two that come to mind is West Market St. and Mendenhall St. This is where I believe the beat is for College Hill. Now, West Market is the street for College Hill where they can access downtown easily and go to many places like Friendly Center and other special areas. Mendenhall is the main residential street for College Hill, in my opinion. Mendenhall is the longest street compared to Tate St. and the most houses reside there. I believe through this, we can see that many people cross this intersection especially which allows me to consider this a beat. Now, from what you can see, this street is very clean and the pavement is very, very well done. Keep this in mind when I go on to the other spots in my blog about College Hill.

Now, the next place to talk about is Tate St. Tate St. fits the bill of a strip in my opinion. This strip is the biggest developed area in College Hill. There's shops and restaurants. There's a laundromat and even the security building. Tate St. Tate St. is truly the strip of both UNCg and College Hill.

Now, once again, think of Tate St in a modifed way now. It is cleaned by the streetsweepers. It's renovated by the city for a better use of the community. Even the buildings are reused to further keep the popularity of Tate St. Again, keep this in the back of your head. What will happen next is that I will talk about the stack and sink next. This is where this blog will get interesting.

Let's start with the stack first. I consider this alleyway my stack. It is an alleyway on Walker St. that has been used from time and time again. Now, from before, you remember that a stack is a piece of junk that goes upward. In this case, I call this a man-made horizontal stack. It's horizontal because it does not stack up. It stacks out like a fallen down building. That is what this alleyway reminds me of. It's a fallen building that has been left aside for other streets. Sadly, this cannot amount to anything else because it won't be paved or made safe. It's just piled in the back of the neighbrhood where it can not become anything more useful like Tate St. and West Market St. Now, why does this happen to a very useful, but somewhat unsafe alley? There was nothing to begained from this alley, moneywise. Tate St. had an opportunity to be useful because it was right beside UNCG, which at the time, was rising to fame. The alley, of course, did not have an use. It was not useful to society and its growing desire, so it was left to just die away. The only reason it did not get turned into a set of houses is because the people have found a use for it. This is why I consider this a stack.

Now, onward to the sink. This is the apartment complex placed up in the back of College Hill on McGee St. Now, from what you can see, this place is so amazing looking that how can this be put to the back of the neighborhood? Well, once again, space becomes a key issue. McGee St. was not very useful to the public due to its location away from Tate St. and UNCG. It was poorly taken care of and I thought that it would have been soon turned into something that is not a road anymore. With the apartments added in, I believe that McGee will become a better-known street, but because of its size, sadly, a sink is all that it will be.

Now, the districts are a little tougher. I can split College Hill up into two districts. There is the UNCG district and the outer rim (the forgotten district, figuratively). The college-dependent district would be, for me, from Tate St. to Mendenhall St. Now, there are a few little streets there, but it is mostly filled up by these two streets. With these, this is where the strip, the beat, the front, and even the vantage points are. It's been taken care of a lot better because it is more public and it has more development than the other streets. With this, I can safely say that this is the college-dependent district. Why? Well, this district is right beside UNCG, the big powerhouse for College Hill, and Greensboro College. It has a reason for being developed due to the fact that it is right beside two growing colleges with a reputation. Now, there's also the forgotten district, as I call it. Why? This district composes of most of the little streets. Now, I call this a district with a split called Mendenhall St. The little streets, as you can tell, are not paved as well and itis not as taken care of. There's no development there, but just houses. These houses are very nice, but they are only improved by the patrons. Plus, there is nothing that can be fixed there unless some of the houses are taken down. Now, I don't want that to happen. Plus, to finish the districts off, this district has only two city spots in the districts: the sink and the stack. These are not like the beat and the front, but only seen as junk.

The front of the College Hill district is Spring Garden St. Spring Garden is the cut between the college residential district to the regular family residential district. Also, if you go out past Spring Garden, you will hit parts of downtown which is different from College Hill. The front represents a fall off from one area into another, so this fits perfectly. Also, you can see that it continues down the street to be more developed. There's also more stores and more buildings that have nothing to do with college or anything like that.
Finally, we have my turf. One turf on College Hill is the church on Mendenhall St. More specifically, I would say the fellowship Hall is a turf. The church represents a meeting point for all people whether it be a less fortunate person or a richer person. Also, it is at a big residential area like Mendenhall St. and it is on an intersection of Walker Ave. which leads to Tate St. This gives the college students a place to meet which makes it more of a turf. Therefore, everyone has a way to get there. So, this is my turf.
Well, feel free to put in feedback on your opinions or your critiques. I always enjoy them. I welcome them and await the challenge you send me through these. Thanks for being so curious!

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Value and the Value Behind it

UNCG used to be an university just for women and a university that taught everyone what they needed to know. Sadly, that was all that the women received. Today, we receive something even more than just the facts. We receive nature, athletics, and a diverse campus. Therefore, as pertaining to my title, a big change for UNCG was the emphasis on nature and the other side of the college student. This value is about changing from an emphasis of just technical knowledge to a special knowledge of nature, the arts, and even in keeping in shape.
My first piece of evidence for this claim is Peabody Park. Peabody Park used to be 18 acres of pure forest and a natural reserve. Now, it is a small golf course, a running/walking track, and the Student Recreation Center. What does this mean? It switched from a forest that no one went to and into a special place for athletics, fun, and nature. The leaders of UNCG wanted to make their mark in the university stomping grounds and saw their chance. They saw an opportunity to be unique and did it. Also, they saw a need for nature in their future and knew that if they left it out, then the future generations could lose it. If that happened, then life would be a horrible place. Also, people must have seen that the times were changing. Women could run and do exactly what men were doing. Plus, the integrated campus led to a need for more diverse and open choices. For example, the running path we knew of today was not paved. It was a dirt road that was hard to run on. It was used to be a walking path for the women. Then, men came to the university and wanted to be athletic. Therefore, the running path was paved and many other spots for athletics were put in.
Next, there is the Gatewood Building. The Gatewood Building is the building for Interior Architecture and some arts as well. Now, you ask why this was chosen for the value of arts. Well, the main reason I chose this for the CHANGE TO AN ARTS PROGRAM is the building itself. It was made to be the "jewel" of UNCG. It shone like a jewel when the sun hit it just right. Plus, it was known to be a landmark for the college. So, if it was meant to be a landmark and it's an arts building, then maybe this could be a notion for the change for the arts. Who knows? It could be though.
Now, sadly I have to put a-to be continued- for this post because I will have pictures on as soon as I can. My camera has been acting bad and my Kodakshare program is on the fritz, but I will have them up as soon as I can. Thanks for understanding, everyone!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Centrality and the Reality of them

Now, when you look at this, you are looking at the roof of the EUC, a wonderful building that has sered as the "center" of the campus for a long time. Now, other than the lights that are burnt out, this should be a circle of lights with the blue center. Now, this could represent many ideals. This could represent the circular style of the newer buildings like the Music Building. Thus, the new age of building come into play. It could represent the equality of the building's substores and the hall that connects to it. Each part of the building is equally important to the building compared to the other substores. Finally, (and my idea about it) it could represent the big eye-popper in the building that signifies the entrance of the center. More people will see the roof before they see the stairs that hug the people entering the back. It's a great landmark for people to meet around.

Now, the interesting part of the building is this. If you can see this,the brick wall is very special. The building has the darker red brick, but there's the one spot that sticks out because it's duller. There's another spot symmetrically in the same spot on the right side. Why is this there? Well, my inference is that something was there that was replaced in the years that the EUC was renovated. It could have been vents orwindoes, but I believe it was vents. Vents must have led to the Cone Ballroom which must have been a 2-story room at the time. Who knows? Still, something was there.

Now, this represents the next center that we will talk about. This is a building that we will always love to use for research and last-minute studying, the Jackson Library. Now, this building is a center for those reasons. It is a big building for study and group research. Also, it is a standout building because of the tower behind it and the columns that help it to stand out. Now, a little fun fact info. First, the Jackson Library is a mathemaician's dream. It is symetrically perfect in every way. The doors are equal, the building is the same size on both ways, and it has windows and doors in the exact same place. Now, the first picture represents what I believe is the center of the center. This area is what I call the crossroads of the library. It shows the way to every part of the library from the Superlab to the elevators to the tower. Also, the artistic design on the wall behind the sign is what I call an eye-popper. The eye-popper helps the area become a landmark to the library. This could become a meeting point for all people who enter, thus making this palce a center.

Now, the final building that represents a big center for UNCG is the special Dining Hall. The Dining Hall is a center to everyone because of its resourcefulness and its landmark. The Dining Hall is a abstract type of building that relates to more of the artistic type. Now, this building defies all of the rules of the UNCG buildings. It doesn't have the similar patterns on the wall. It does not have uniformity. Most of all, it does not add up to the standards of the buildings. This building has different colored walls. It has a glass roof and even an agricultural part to the building. Now, this can be easily seen as a center. Firest, it's easily noticeable as a landmark to mark a center. Second, it is very close to the center of the campus. When we mapped the campus earlier, the center was somewhere around the fountain. Thus, it could be a center because of that. Plus, it is a unique area which is very noticeable as a center for people.

Now, this is a special blog ending. What is a center to me? A center is what I call a meeting point that is so unique that everyone can point to it and say that they recognize it. Each of these buildings in the blog represent the center in my perspective a great way. First, there is the uniqueness of the center. In each center, there is the special part of the building that makes it stick out. It could have been the circle of lights in the EUC, the library's amazing art style and signs, or even the abstract wall of the Dining Hall. Second, it is the resourcefulness of the building. Each center must be put to great use and it must have a developed style to it. The EUC, for example, has the bookstore and the two-story food court. Plus, there are many meeting rooms where people study and try to connect with nature, meditate, or even just play around. Also, the Dining Hall has the Post Office, a popular market, and of course, the Caf. The Jackson Library has the group study rooms and the big halls for studying and study parties. Plus, it has the art and noticeable spots that attract people to the area. Finally, there is the fact that each is very popular to the community of UNCG. Without that, there is no center, thus no reason to write this blog. Each is very popular in its own way, which leads back to the resourcefulness idea. Now, you can make your own perceptions and ideas from this and I hope you do. Still, this is what a center means to me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rapid-Fire Picture Describing Round

First, what we have here is the UNCG Alumni House. You can already tell that this is an older-style building based on the pitch roof. This building has the rectangular windows so there is consistency. A question that comes to mind with the arches under the balcony. Why is the balcony and the house placed up this high? As you can see, there is a special floor hidden under the building that can't be seen from College Avenue. Maybe with this, the people who constructed the building saw that there was a need for an extra floor where there is a hill. Who knows?

This is the Jackson Library on UNCG's campus. This building looks towards the more modern style with the flat roof. The one question that I have is why was this made completely different from the other buildings? It doesn't look like the old buildings with green and stone colored walls and roof. It doesn't even look like the newer buildings with their unique structure. It looks like a combination of both, really. It looks drab, which is different from the style of UNCG's design. Were they trying to create a landmark where most people will see this and know that this is the Jackson Library? I think they were trying to make a center (maybe even a fix) out of the Library and a unique building would do it.

The next picture is a picture of the fountain right outside the Dining Hall. It is known as a meeting place for many of the students of UNCG. Now, hopefully, everyone remembers my vocabulary from the last blog because I'll be using this a little in the next parts. The fountain is not gaudy or mind-blowing like the other fountains I have seen in the world. It is a nice fountain that sticks out. If you can see, the fountain has the arched-rectangular design like many of the windows on the old buildings. So, we could infer that this was a design built to keep history going in a deep way. Now, this fountain could be considered a beat. The fountain is a crossing point for many of the students. Also, this is a major beat because it is right in front of a major area, the Dining Hall.

The next picture is a picture of the once-only Science Building, the Petty Building. The Petty Building has multiple old-style attributes like the pitch roof and the Corinthian columns. Now, there's something new added in this building. There's the bridge. The bridge is a special thing to the Petty Building. It's a metal bridge with a glass interior to the bridge. Now, you can see from this that the times were changing when this design came in. Now, I believe this was a smart decision because of the big, gaping hill right in front of it. Why did UNCG construct a building near a hill that could hurt someone without that bridge? Well, I think they were trying to change the design of UNCG buildings by doing this and adding the necessity of a bridge. Now, the Petty Building could be considered a part of the Academic District in the districts of UNCG. This is because the building is an academic building and it is in a central area where academic buildings reside.

Finally, this is the Elliott University Center. This building needs no introduction due to its reputation. It is a center to the university. To state some attributes, this building looks almost like half of the Music Building. Maybe these two buildings were constructed at the same time period. It keeps some of the old historic approach with the brick and stone walls and the rectangular windows that could form a puzzle, as I like to call it. The Corinthian columns are also a great way of showing the historic past of our buildings. Now, this building could be as infamous as it is famous. See, while this is a center, i would also call this a fix. This has been labeled as the center of the university so everything had to have been built around it. Sadly, with this, it has left out many of the outer-laying buildings like the Human and Health Performance Building. Also, it has made the point of view of the university that only the buildings around the EUC are popular compared to the outer buildings.

Well, I hope you liked this special edition of my blog. Please give feedback as much as you can and I appreciate it!

Map of UNCG (modified my way)

This is a map of my version of the city attributes of UNCG. Sorry about the quality of the map. I hope you will still be able to understand most of it. Well, I'll help you out then.

My first category I used was a fix. I labeled this as a light red circle around the fix. A fix is a special center of the "city" where people build around that area and forget about the other aspects of the city. The EUC is a prime example of this. It is a center for people to eat, shop, and hang out. Sadly, because of this, people have built around it to make it the center and left out other areas such as the Weatherspoon Art Museum and the Health and Human Performance Building. This leaves out another point of view of UNCG.

Moving on, we have our districts. I've used outlines of green and dark blue to mark these districts. The green ring represents the Athletic district of UNCG. In this district, you will see the athletic portions of UNCG, such as the Student Recreation Center. Before I go on, a district is a special area where there is a lot in common and made that way to show it. The dark blue represents the Residential district. All the dormitories and the residential halls are in this district. Also, note that they are usually in a nice location where nearly everything is in reach (keyword: nearly).

Next, we have our strip. A strip (which is a brown line and circle) is a strip of street that is developed in many ways. Tate St. is a surefire example of this. Tate St. has a lot of restaurants and stores around the area. It has to be the most developed part of campus.

Also, represented by the brown circle and line is the edge. It was left out on my key, but I got to it. An edge is a line where city lines end and county begins. Tate St. is a great example. It shows an edge where it leaves the UNCG campus and reaches one of the residential part of Greensboro. See, once you cross over Tate St., the land is covered with houses and apartments. So, another way of explaining an edge is where one part of a city turns into another part.

The light blue circles (some filled in, some not) represents the beats of UNCG. A beat is a crossing place for many people and it's a usual crossing used every day. There's your major beats (used nearly all the time), Kaplan Commons, the Dining Hall, and the intersection between College Avenue and Walker Avenue. Each are near landmarks that are very popular and these popular areas create beats. The minor beats are mostly on Spring Garden where the parking deck and the education buildings. These are minor because I believe that these areas are only used by the people who need to use it like the commuters and people taking classes in those areas.

Also, we have stacks. Stacks are areas that are "stacked" up with useless information or useless objects. I chose the construction site near Bryan building which is marked with a red circle with a line through it. This area causes a hinder for anyone trying to get to areas near the EUC and the Jackson Library. Plus, it is useless to the society right now, but that will change whenever they complete it.

Next, we have sinks. A sink is a building or object that is pushed to the side by the community. It's not as popular with the community, but it could still have an historic part to it. Marked with a orange circle, there is the Steam Building and the Water Tower. Each have been placed on Oakland Ave. and out of the way of the community. Both, though, have an historic part to it. The Water Tower is a historic landmark to the university and a beacon to all those trying to find their way to UNCG. The Steam Building is the old laundry building for UNCG back when it was a Women-only college. So, why did these objects get left out from society? I don't know, but I think it is because of a popularity ideal. They weren't as popular so they got pushed back.

Also, there are turfs. Turfs are hard to explain ebcause they are somewhat like fixes and beats. Marked with a light brown circle, I marked the dining hall as a turf. It is an area where many get together and converse with each other. Also, it has become a focal point for many events as well.

Finally, there are the vantages. These vantages are high areas in the community where you can see the whole community from that one spot. Marked by a purple circle, I chose the tower of McIver Parking Deck and North Spencer's tower. If we could get to the top of these towers, we could see the whole campus of UNCG and its wonders. These areas represents the big view that we should all have of the community.

Well, here we go! This is a map of the community of UNCG. Hopefully, everyone can understand it now and give as much feedback as possible.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

UNCG and The Big Picture (part 3: The Mystery of Walker Avenue!)

Now, we return to the Stone Building and the mystery that surrounds it and the Walker Avenue. First, let's talk about the Stone Building and its history with UNCG. From the time of its construction, it has served as the Human Environmental Sciences Building. This building once again follows the older style of UNCG buildings. There's the pitch roof, the stone bands around the building, and the rectangular windows of consistency. It's a great building for the people of the majors in that building. Still, the building itself is not the mystery, but the next picture is the mysterious part.

BOOM!!! The Mystery of Walker Avenue is a mysterious mystery of the disappearance of Walker Avenue. Now, the first part of the mystery is the history of Walker Avenue. ( Walker Avenue used to be a vehicular accessible road like Spring Garden. It would go from one end of the campus to the other and it was easy to use. Then, after some time, it had disappeared. What has popped up in its place is a part of College Avenue (a walking street now) and this building. The addition to the Stone Building came around. Now, why did this pop up? It looks historically accurate compared to the original Stone Building. I have an idea, but of course, only time will tell. First, College Avenue was once a vehicle accessible road to the public. Then, this was switched into a pedestrian-only road from Spring Garden to the new Music building, which leads to my next question. Was College Avenue bigger before the new Curry building and the Music Building? Back to the original mystery. Now, with the new style College Avenue, the chancellor had to wonder if a vehicle road (Walker) and a walking road (College Ave.) had to had been a safety hazard. Then, there's the Stone Building. What if the Stone Building had too many students and needed to expand? I mean, the campus was ever-growing and in need of a new building. If they did that, the onlt open spots would have been near Tate St. and where West Market St. is today. It was too far away from the Stone Building to be accessible. So, the chancellor and leaders of UNCG killed two birds with one stone. They cut off Walker Avenue and made it a paarking lot of sorts. Then, the Stone addition was placed for the students of the Human Environmental Sciences. Also, the university was trying to change their values from a isolated university to a diverse and more independent campus. So, by changing everything to walking paths, it led to this value becoming reality. It turns out, though, that could have led to more developments, such as the EUC and the Walker Parking Deck. So, that could be a mystery solved, but once again, only time will tell. So, at the end of the journey, we reflected on what we saw. We saw the future meet the past. We saw the change from an isolated unversity to a more flourishing campus. Finally, we saw a more artistic change from a somewhat uniform campus. Well, that's it for today!! Who knows where my next journey will lead me to?

UNCG and the Big Picture (part 2)

For the next part, we went up Walker Avenue to the Stone Building, McIver Building, and (our big topic right now) the Sullivan Science Building. Now, we will return to the Stone Building for the final part because there's a mystery behind this building and Walker Avenue that we shall explore later. Now, the Science Building is a special building to UNCG. It was built in 2005 and named for Patricia Sullivan. This sideview of the building shows that UNCG must love their history because this building is a powerful part of the building! Now, it's a little hard to tell with this picture, but this combines the future and the past together. The building shows it all! On one side, you see a white wall with the futuristic part. Can you guess what it is? It's the glass windows that makeshifts for walls too! Still, the building goes back to its roots with the pitch roof and the brick building. It's very interesting to see because I believe that this building represents the value changes in UNCG from a small, isolated university to a diverse, historic campus that believes in the history of a university.

Now, we move on to one of the most popular buildings on the UNCG campus, the Music Building. The Music Building is the building that took the music curriculum away from the Brown Building, hence the name. The building is a more recent building, but not as young as the Science building. Now, this building defies all the rules of the UNCG buildings. For one thing, this building has round areas unlike the rest of the buildings. The inside will explain more of this. As you can already see, this building truly represents the switch in values. The columns turn from the round, old-fashioned style of Brown and changes into a cartoonish style of columns. It's almost as if the columns could blend in with the wall. Now, we'll move inside and see the big differences and why I have a theory about the structure of this building.

First, this is where we came in. This is the top of a column that was a bulletin board. Now, there's nothing out of the ordinary here really. The design, though, is very interesting. Ity's a very artistic piece that shows a interest in the arts. Now, the reaosn why I brought this up is because this column with a bulletin board and the statue on top is what we call a beat. If you remember from my last blog, a beat is a place where many people cross and use this area. Also, it leads to a theory that maybe the university is trying to be funny with this building, which I'll explain in due time.
The floor of the Music Building is a funny factor in the theory of the non-uniformity. I wish I had a better picture of the floor because this is amazing in itself. It's all not the same color or the same design. It has lines that look like vibrations that come off the columns and other objects on the floor. Also, there's a special hallway that fits the bill perfectly. The hall has blocks on the floor right beside displays on the walls. Now, I thought that this would be like the Foust building windows and it made a puzzle, but something was missing. Now, in order for this to fit the bill of a puzzle, it has to be on all parts of the hall, wall or ceiling. This case, there was nothing on the ceiling. So, all this has led me to believe that for this building, all rules of UNCG building were thrown out the window. Non-uniformity was the key for this building. Why? I believe that it is to show that music and the arts are becoming a bigger part of the UNCG community and society. Also, UNCg wanted to show that they're grasping the future by this one building. So, if there is a bigger expansion, then will the buildings look more like this or the Science Building? Only time will tell. To be Continued in the mystery of Walker Avenue!! Onward we go!!

UNCG and the Big Picture (part 1)

So, my first stop in this class took me to the Foust Building. This time, the class met at the corner of Walker Avenue and Tate St. Now, before I go on, I would like to note that this blog will actually be split into three blogs due to the size of the information. Also, there's so much to say that I don't want to make anyone read a lot and mess up their eyes or waste their time. So, here we go! Now, there's actually a great reason for starting here. This little corner has a special meaning to the city. It is a central point to three special city ideals. The strip (what you see here) that holds a long strip of developmental shops and buildings, a beat which stands for a place of multiple crossings, and and a front which stands for an end for a city and a start for a county. Now, from here, we started towards our firsdt destination.

Our first stop was the Brown Building. This building is not as old as the Foust Building, but it is very historic at UNCG. Just standing at the steps of this building is like stepping into the past itself. Now, take a look at this building. It is very different from the other buildings due to the features we saw last time at the Foust Building. There's the stone bands around the building, the windows of the floors, and (a big feature and a new one) the Corinthian columns. The columns represent a lot for the history of the building and the ever-changing styles of the UNCG buildings. Now, another big feature that is noticeable (sadly, not in the picture) is the fact that the building has musical composers around the whole building. What does this mean? Well, the new Music Building is a recent building, so there had to have been an old one. Well, here it is. Now, the questrion remains. Why did they move out of this one? Did the growing interest in music require a bigger building or another building at that? Was there something that hindered the building from being the Music-centered area of UNCG? Was there a value change by switching from a building near a vehicular road, to a path that is only accessible by foot? Well, all this can be explained in the next parts of my blogs. And onward we go!!!